Friday, April 11, 2008


While we're waiting for Gene to post more information about the Mario Lozano trial, here's a video that should tickle your funny bone...

Anyone have a clue why a raccoon would steal a doormat?


Sprocket said...

I had a blast watching all the raccoon videos. The baby opossum (and it's huge mom) that used to raid our outdoor kitty's bowl was a real pain. They have really sharp teeth and are not afraid of anything.

Steven said...

Wow. Maybe that is the answer...when we lived in Roseville, we came out one morning to find our front door mat gone. Who would steal a door mat? Now I know!

Anakerie said...

Sprocket: We've got opossums here in Meridian too. One night I walked out my back door and was startled to find a huge opossum on my back porch. The darn thing nearly took the screen door off the hinges in it's hurry to depart. (I usually keep the screen door on the back porch slightly open so my cats can come in or go out.) The house next door has been vacant for a long time now and is "home" to quite a collection of "critters". We (my son-in-law) and I have trapped a few of the opossums and he takes them for a little ride and releases them a few miles downriver from us. I noticed another big one in my yard the other night. I guess it's time to get the trap from my son-in-law again... lol

Steven: I am guessing that the opossum took the doormat for nesting material? They do steal some strange things.... One of the videos on YouTube showed the raccoon eating from a cat food dish and then stealing the dish itself! lol