Ok.. I know.. I don't usually post about cooking and recipes and all that... But, I’ve been having fun with a recipe I found a while ago on
Pinterest.. The original recipe
called for a box of Angel Food cake mix and a 20 ounce can of crushed
pineapple. It’s got to be one of the easiest recipes ever. Just mix the two
together and it does something startling.. It foams up! lol.. Anyway, once it’s
all mixed together, just pour the mix into an ungreased baking pan.. I used loaf
pans so I could share with my daughter and her in-laws easier. Anyway, the
cake(s) turned out delicious..
Here's a "before and after" shot that I put on Facebook the
day I baked the pineapple cake.. |
I had read that other types of canned fruit would work as well as the
crushed pineapple, so the next experiment used peach pie filling. Again, a
winner! My house smelled so good while these cakes were baking, it was sheer
torture to wait until the cakes were cool! The two cakes I kept ended up looking a little bit mangled because I had to fight to get them out of the little loaf pans.. lol.. I took the "pretty" ones to my daughter and her mother-in-law.
Yeah, I know.. I didn't get a good before and after shot of the peach cakes.. lol..
I nearly forgot to take any pictures at all! |
Last week, my friend (and my daughter's mother-in-law!) brought over a bag containing 2 angel food cake mixes, a can of lemon cream pie filling and a can of apple pie filling. So, today I decided to do the lemon cream pie filling. And,
this time, I decided to "document" the whole thing.. Here we go.. First of all, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.. Then get a large mixing bowl down and mix together the cake mix and the pie filling...
This shot is after it sat a few minutes while I went and got my camera..
The batter has started foaming up.. |
Then, divide the mixture into whatever baking pans you've decided to use..9x13, regular size loaf pans or the individual loaf pans like I used. Do
not grease the pans! The original recipe I read emphasized that, so I figured I'd add in the caution here too...
Batter in the pans and pans in the oven ready to go! |
Bake the cake(s) for 25 to 35 minutes... (If you use different pans from what I used, use the instructions on the back of the cake mix box..) They're done when they're a golden brown on top.. The other cakes (the pineapple and the peach) cracked a bit on top like normal angel food cakes do, but for some reason, the lemon didn't crack.
Fresh out of the oven. The instructions on the box say to put loaf pans
on their sides to cool off, but I just turned them upside down.. |
When the cake pans were cool enough to handle, I turned them back over so I could get the cakes out of the pans.. One of them dropped out all by itself! I just ran a knife around the sides of the others and then used a small spatula to break them loose and put them on the cooling rack.
All done and ready to taste and to take across the street.. |
Next time, it'll be apple pie filling. Then, maybe I'll go back to the pineapple one and add some shredded coconut to the mix..
1 Angel Food cake mix
1 20 oz can of fruit or pie filling
How easy is that? lol